EOI Worker Accreditation Registrar
Tender ID: 178927
Tender Details
Tender Description
Since 2012, NBN Co has progressively implemented a worker skills accreditation process. Known as the Training and Accreditation Program (TAP), it comprises accreditations required by NBN Co for workers performing specific tasks on the network. These accreditation requirements are similar to arrangements used by Telstra and utilities.
Current accreditations can be found at www.nbnco.com.au/approvedtraining. This list is updated periodically and is expected to total around twenty (20) accreditations by the end of 2014.
TAP accreditations target skills acquisition in NBN-specific products, processes and key company imperatives and is designed to support NBN Co’s Service Delivery Partners (SDP). However, the TAP initiative will also build technical capability in the telecommunications industry more broadly.
An individual’s accreditation is achieved by satisfying key criteria demonstrated through skills and knowledge assessments. Currently, the only process for achieving accreditation is a traditional learning pathway with both training and assessment elements. NBN Co is implementing a new, alternative pathway (Assessment Direct) whereby assessment for accreditation purposes can be undertaken on an assessment-only basis. Its primary candidates are expected to be those more experienced individuals wishing to achieve NBN Co accreditations without the need to attend formal training.
An integral part of the new accreditation pathway is the establishment and operation of a centralised administration and registration organisation. The Registrar has a range of functions associated with individual worker candidates and will be NBN Co’s primary interface with key stakeholders and the general public. Registrar services will be delivered through a dedicated website and the role is expected to be undertaken as a build, manage and operate service for NBN Co.
Operationally, the Registrar will manage the web portal through which candidates register, access and complete the initial online Knowledge Assessment (KA). On successful completion of the KA stage, the Registrar facilitates candidate access to the Practical Assessment (PA) stage through an assessor panel process. Once both KA and PA stages are completed, the candidate submits all evidence to the Registrar which issues the accreditation and associated documentation, card etc. The Registrar maintains all assessment-related individual candidate records and reports to NBN Co periodically on the accreditation process and its outcomes.