Motor Vehicle for Sale by Tender 2012 Ford Falcon MKII G6E
Tender ID: 180063
Tender Details
Tender Description
Tenders are invited and will be received up to 3pm Fri 28.02.14.
Inspections by appointment only between 9am to 4pm 24-26/02/14
Details: VIN 6FPAAAJGSWCA71615.
Rego CHF-24T exp 26.07.14, 45,000kms, Silver, Leather interior, two kit.
The Wine Grapes Marketing Board reserves the right not to accept the highest or any tender.
Contact for tender forms during office hours.
Wine Grapes Marketing Board
182 Yambil St (PO Box 385),
PH: 02 6962 3944
FAX: 02 6962 6103