School Canteen Licence
Tender ID: 180892
Tender Details
Tender Description
Tenders are called for the license of the school canteen commencing from Term 2, 2014 and for a term of approximately 3 years.
Annual school enrolments will be approximately 400 students. General enquiries and requests for a Tender Information
Package should be referred to:
Mrs Lynne Johnson
Telephone: 9587 6095
Tenders must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “Confidential – School Canteen Tender” and sent to:
Ms Julianne Beek
Moorefield Girls High School Princes
Highway Kogarah, 2217
A tender visit and briefing session is planned to be held in the near future.
All applicants must make themselves familiar with clause 2 of the tender offer.
Tenders close at 3pm on 28th March 2014.