
Expressions of Interest - Cafe / Food Outlet

Tender ID: 188516

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
17 May 2014
Closing Date:
6 June 2014

Tender Description

The University wishes to receive Expressions of Interest from suitably experienced and innovative cafe operators and/or suitable food retailers regarding the future use of the retail space in the UBS Building on University Drive, off Ilam Road on the University of Canterbury campus. Parties capable of providing these services are invited to respond to this EOI.

The subject space comprises 194.39 square metres of existing retail space of the former Academic Library adjoining the University Bookshop building (UBS) built in approximately 2002. It is positioned towards the southern periphery of the main part of the campus between the James Hight Library and the USCA building and car park.

The location of the premises is such that there is a considerable amount of foot traffic moving between the main campus and the USCA building through to the carpark on to Ilam Road and bus stops. There is also exposure from traffic on University Drive. The soon to open newly refurbished Registry building and the adjoining UBS retail area adds to the exposure of the premises. Consequently, there is opportunity to convert this high foot traffic and exposure into potential business.

The retail space is of open plan design, servery/cashier, back of house kitchen, partitioned cleaner's cupboard including sink and separate unisex toilet amenities comprising four separate toilets including one disabled persons facility. There is also a double door exterior access onto a purpose built outdoor eating area.

The space has a commercial kitchen with a number of chattels and fixtures and fittings able to be purchased from the previous tenant.


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