Tenders - Food, Pest Management
Tender ID: 189040
Tender Details
Tender Description
Suppliers are invited to tender for the supply of the following products that fall within the categories listed below.
Tender documents must be submitted to the undersigned in a sealed envelope, marked with the appropriate tender, no later than 4 p.m. on Friday, 13th June 2014.
For all enquiries please contact our Services Manager, Telephone 03 5728-0200.
These tenders are for the supply of goods to Beechworth Health Service for the twelve-month period commencing 1st July 2014 to 30th June 2015 inclusive: MEAT, POULTRY (FRESH & FROZEN), FISH (FRESH & FROZEN), FRESH FRUIT, VEGETABLES & PRE-PREPARED VEGETABLES, FROZEN FOODS AND VEGETABLES, BREAD, SMALLGOODS, DAIRY PRODUCTS, FRUIT JUICES, EGGS, PEST MANAGEMENT SERVICES
Cameron Butler
Chief Executive
P.O. BOX 20,
VIC. 3737
FAX: (03) 5728-2288