
Reburbish Existing Sewer Pump Station TO08, Construct New Sewer Pump Station TO8A and Associated works at Norah Head

Tender ID: 211767

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
5 February 2015
Awarded Date:
07 March 2019

Tender Description

This Contract involves upgrading existing sewage transfer system yielding from the Norah Head catchment in Wyong Shire Council area, to meet existing and future development demands. Norah Head is located on the Central Coast of NSW.

The upgrade work are divided into 2 separable portions that that will generally include but are not limited to the following:

Separable portion 1 (New SPS TO8A and Associated works)

* Pre-Construction documentation;
* Supply materials and construct new sewage pump station (SPS TO8A) and all associated civil, mechanical and electrical works (including emergency diesel By-pass pump);
* Supply and construct new rising main from new SPS  TO8A (approximately 119m DN200 PVCM);
* Supply materials and construct new gravity sewer mains and manholes:
 DN300 PP (approx. 187m)
 DN225 PP (approx. 112m)
 DN150 PP (approx. 28m)
 8 new manholes
* Supply materials and construct new DN100 watermain and hydrant (Approx. 15m)
* Diversion of sewer flow to new sewage pump station TO8A);
* Testing and Commissioning
* Site restoration
* Work As Executed drawings;
* Operation and Maintenance Manuals,

Separable portion 2 (Refurbish/upgrade existing SPS TO08 and Associated works)

* Pre-Construction documentation (including detailed bypass methodology statement)
* Design, implement, monitor and maintain  a suitable temporary sewer bypass system during refurbishment works to existing sewage pump station (SPS TO08);
* Partially demolish existing SPS TO08
* Decommission, remove and dispose of all existing pumps/motors, valves , pipes, fittings, electricals, etc. from existing SPS TO08 wet well, valve pit, and switch control assembly (SCA) building.
* Demolish existing SPS TO08 SCA room,
* Supply materials and Construct  new brick SCA room for SPS TO08 at rear of carpark;
* Supply materials and refurbish / upgrade existing SPS TO08 new new pumps/motors, valves , pipes, fittings, electricals, etc.  
* Supply materials and construct all other associated civil, mechanical and electrical works required as part of the SPS TO08 refurbishment/upgrade work;
* Supply materials and construct new rising main from existing SPS TO08 (approximately 228m 90 HDPE);
* Block off and divert existing rising main and gravity sewer as specified
* Replace existing boat ramp flood light
* Testing and Commissioning
* Site restoration
* Work As Executed drawings
* Operation and Maintenance Manuals


New South Wales   :   Hunter   :   Sydney  

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