NDRRA 2014 Construction Services
Tender ID: 223656
Tender Details
Tender Description
Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council (Council) has identified the requirement to undertake restoration works of Council infrastructure damaged in flood events following the 2014 declared natural disaster (‘Declared Event’). This project is called the Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council 2014 Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA) Restoration Works – Bloomfield Rd and Horsecrossing Rd Reconstruction (‘the Project’). These works have been approved by the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) for funding under the NDRRA framework.
Council has identified the scope and treatment methods required to rehabilitate and /or reconstruct Council road and drainage infrastructure damaged during the 2014 flood event.
Specifically the following roads are affected.
General: Council is the delivery agency for the Project. Council will deliver the Project using a ‘Construct Only’ contract. It should be noted that certain parts of the works to be constructed may have minor design and construction components.
Bloomfield Falls Rd: The project scope relates to the work necessary for the construction of eight defect sites between chainage 0400 and 1225 including all earthworks, rock mattress, rock gabion, pavement, stormwater drainage, road signage, guide posts, line marking and associated works.
Horsecrossing Road: The project scope relates to the work necessary for the construction of two defect sites; one minor defect between chainage 0000 and 0050 and one major defect between chainage 0156 and 0193, including all gravel re-sheet, earthworks, drainage, rock protection, pavement, guide posts, signage and associated works. The major defect includes new road alignment which will be constructed to the east of the existing road alignment and joined smoothly at each end with the existing road.