Upgrade of the Existing Campbell Street Sewage Pumping Station
Tender ID: 232682
Tender Details
Tender Description
Request for Tender Tenders are invited and will be received up until 3.00pm (EST) 29 July 2015 from suitably experienced contractors to design and construct an upgrade to the existing Campbell Street Sewage Pumping Station.
Detailed specifications and contract documents may be obtained from Council’s Customer Service Team in person or by calling 02 6380 2000. Tender documents are available for a non-refundable fee of $55 GST inclusive.
Hardcopy tender submissions must be lodged in a sealed envelope and clearly entitled ‘Tender 13.7.28-Upgrade Campbell Street Sewage Pumping Station’. They must be placed in the tender box located in the foyer of Council’s offices, 6-8 Market Street, Boorowa NSW.
A compulsory pre-tender meeting will be held on Wednesday 8 July 2015 at Boorowa Council, commencing at 2.00pm. An opportunity will be available for Tenderers to clarify any aspects of the tender.
The canvassing of Councillors and/or Staff Members in relation to this matter will automatically disqualify the applicant from the process. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.
Enquiries in respect to this tender may be directed to Council’s Infrastructure Planning Manager, Mr Adam Stewart on 02 6380 2028.
Anthony McMahon
General Manager