Provide Expert Advice and Develop the Initial Teacher Education Accreditation Panel Training Package
Tender ID: 247512
Tender Details
Tender Description
Aitsl Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership Limited
Request for Tender [16-024]
National initial teacher education reform: Provide expert advice and develop an initial teacher education accreditation panel training package.
The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership Limited (AITSL) provides national leadership for the Australian, State and Territory Governments in promoting excellence so that teachers and school leaders have the maximum impact on student leading in all Australian schools.
The Australian Government’s response to the Action Now: Classroom Ready Teachers report describes a clear role for AITSL in improving the quality of initial teacher education (ITE) programs including stronger quality assurance of ITE programs.
To enable these reforms, AITSL is working with stakeholders to strengthen the nationally agreed Standards and Procedures for Accreditation of Initial Teacher Education, supported by clearer guidance on what constitutes acceptable performance.
To ensure assessors in the accreditation process have the skills and knowledge necessary to fulfil their role, AITSL is seeking to enter into a contract with an individual or organisation to undertake a project to develop a training package.
Request for Tender documentation:
Tenders must be lodged by email:
Request for Tender [16-024]: Provide Expert Advice and Develop the Initial Teacher Education Accreditation Panel Training Package.
Enquiries can be made to:
Kristen Casanova, Manager, Initial Teacher Education
Closing time and date: 9:00AM AEST 26 November 2015.