
Tenders for the Refurbishment of the Existing Home Economics Room at the Miles State High School

Tender ID: 248543

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
6 November 2015
Closing Date:
16 November 2015

Tender Description

Expressions of Interest are invited from suitably qualified builders for the refurbishment of the existing home economics room at the Miles State High School for the Department of Education, Training and Employment. The project involves refurbishment of the existing Home Economics and adjoining classroom being of mixed construction involving associated sub-trades.

From interest received, the "Tender Group" will be advised by the Project Managers, Brandon & Associates (Consulting Engineers) to receive tender documents. Expressions of interest are Monday 16th November 2015.

To close To register their interest, builders are requested to forward their intentions to the Project Manager, Barry Dolan, at the address below. Construction is expected to be completed over the school holiday break with classes expected to be commencing late January, early February 2016.

Brandon & Associates Pty Ltd Consulting Engineers PO Box 147 Chinchilla QLD 4413

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