Expressions of Interest for the Removal and Spreading of Mill Mud and Ash Products
Tender ID: 249840
Tender Details
Tender Description
Wilmar Sugar Australia Limited. Expressions of Interest. Wilmar Sugar Australia Limited's Invicta Mill at Giru, is seeking expressions of interest for the removal and spreading of mill mud and ash products.
Mill mud and ash are by-products generated in the production of raw sugar. The removal and management of these by-products is an essential part of mill operations and can affect availability of a sugar mill, if not managed correctly.
Invicta Mill produces about 180,000 tonnes of mud and 90,000 tonnes of ash annually during the crushing season (generally from June until November each year), although these numbers can be greatly affected by crop size, weather conditions and soil conditions, thus these numbers are only indicative.
Wilmar Sugar is looking to engage with a supplier who will ensure mill mud and ash are collected, sold and spread in the most cost-effective manner.
If you would like to express an interest in performing this work for Wilmar Sugar, please contact Robert Rogers, Procurement Manager, at email: by close of business Monday 30 November 2015.