
Upgrade and Reseal 5.9km of Geikie Gorge Road, Geikie Gorge National Park and Conservation Park, Fitzroy Crossing

Tender ID: 264324

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
30 March 2016
Awarded Date:
17 May 2016

Tender Description

The works consist of upgrade and reseal 5.95km of Geikie Gorge Road, Geikie Gorge National Park and Conservation Park, near Fitzroy Crossing.

The main components of work are:
* Shoulder maintenance/rehabilitation.
* Cement stabilised pavement repairs to the full depth of existing basecourse material including pulverising and inclusion of existing seal and use of a stabilising cement spreader design for such work.
* Remove old concrete floodway sections.
* Construction of new reinforced concrete floodway sections.
* Installation of loose lay rock armour.
* Installation of mortared rock pitching.
* Replacement signage.
* Associated works including supply and installation of all materials and rehabilitation earth works.
* Application of bitumen sealing.
* Conduct all testing as per Specifications and provide results to the Superintendent.
* Manage Traffic (visitors and tourist traffic) - Prepare and implement Works Schedule and Traffic Management Plan to facilitate Boat Tour operations regular schedules.
* Meet a 15 to 25% indigenous employment outcome for the duration of the project (see Section 3.2 Special Conditions for more information)
* Set out (as per design drawings attached) to mark-up road to facilitate determination of area requiring pothole repair.
* Provide As-constructed survey and report documentation
* Construction timing - The required construction period is to commence mid-April 2016 with the majority of work to be completed by 27th May 2016.
* BOQ is provided as a guide. The Respondent should complete BOQ and include in tender submission along with Works Schedule.


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