
Artesian Bores

Tender ID: 266121

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
30 April 2016
Awarded Date:
13 November 2018

Tender Description

The Primary Contractor shall be responsible for the following:
* Supply and delivery of all materials including casing and screens, drilling fluids and chemicals, grout and cements, hangers, packers and seals, headworks and associated pipe fittings and valves.
* Supply all materials and labour, excluding concrete for associated concrete slabs.
* Construct concrete slabs at six bore sites.
* Installation of isolating valve, blind plate, and bore casing.
* Supply and installation of temporary silt traps, oil traps, drilling fluid, bunds/ tanks and all other environmental measures required by Environmental Protection Agency and the Company.
* All testing and reporting for verification of compliance to specifications.
* Supply of technical drawings, documents, as*built information and drilling logs.
* Supply of documentation required by the Company for statutory licences and approvals.
* Site clean*up and labelling of bore, including clean*up and disposal of any spills.

The Primary Contractor is responsible for obtaining Class 3 water bore drillers licence in accordance with the Water Act 2000 (Qld) for operations in artesian aquifer systems.

Please refer to the attached PDF document for a detailed scope of works.

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