
External Financial Audit Services for 2017

Tender ID: 266786

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
6 April 2016
Closing Date:
29 April 2016

Tender Description

The Queensland Audit Office is responsible for the annual audit of public sector entities across the State of Queensland. Due to the volume and geographic diversity of the clients that are audited each year. The Auditor-General also engages qualified people on a contract basis to undertake audits on his behalf.

The work involved in this ITO is for financial auditing to form an opinion on a set of financial statements to certify they are true and fair, check account keeping methods and ensure they meet prescribed requirements.

Tenderers please note: Only Authorised Auditors under the QAOs Register of Pre-Qualified Contract Auditors are eligible to respond to Invitations to Offer (ITO). Tender documentation is only available to eligible pre-qualified respondents through the Queensland Audit Office Extranet. Submissions are to be made via the methods outlined in the tender documentation.

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