Provision of Mattress Collection & Processing Services
Tender ID: 268802
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (WSROC) Ltd invites tenders for the reliable and cost effective provision of Mattress Collection and Processing Services on the basis of a “Standing Offer” agreement for its member Councils for a period of two years with options to extend by mutual consent for a further two, one year periods, subject to contractor performance and Council’s agreement.
This Agreement will service the following seven Councils; Auburn City Council, Bankstown City Council, Blacktown City Council, Hawkesbury City Council, Holroyd City Council, Liverpool City Council and Penrith City Council.
From the tenders received, Councils will select a Provider based on the evaluation criteria published in the tender documents.
Tender Documents
An electronic version of the tenders is available at no charge by visiting the website registering your company details. Any enquiries can be directed to Nic Pasternatsky at or on (02) 9671 4333 Ext 104.
Tender Lodgement
Tenders must be lodged electronically using the software program Apet 360Pro in accordance with instructions contained in the request for tender documents. The closing date for Tenders is Wednesday 18th May 2016 at 12noon EST. Late tenders will not be accepted.
Electronic lodgement using the electronic software Apet 360Pro is the only response method for this request for tender. The site is