
Request for Quotation - PABX Replacement

Tender ID: 270324

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
10 May 2016
Closing Date:
27 May 2016

Tender Description

AFTRS is seeking quotations for the replacement of its PABX.  The current Cisco Call Manager solution has been in place for over seven years and is in need of refresh.

The replacement solution may be a simple refresh or may be an entirely different solution.  It is expected that a hardware replacement will be the most economic approach, however alternative solutions may be proposed as well.  The required solution must provide standard PABX functionality including basic reception functions and group telephony capabilities.

The following document outlines the requirements, conditions of offer and special conditions for the submission.

Submissions for this RFQ must be received by 4pm, 27 May 2016.


New South Wales   :   Sydney  

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