
Construction of Residential Aged Care Facility in Guyra

Tender ID: 280068

Tender Details

Tender #:
RFT ARC16-0410  
Publish Date:
2 August 2016
Closing Date:
30 August 2016

Tender Description

Request for Tender - ARC16-0410 - Construction of Residential Aged Care Facility in Guyra.

Tenders are invited for a lump sum contract for Construction of a Residential Aged Care Facility in Guyra NSW.

Full details are provided in the tender documents are on Council's website from 2 August 2016. The documents will also be available from Council's Customer Service Centre in Armidale from this date.

A mandatory pre-tender meeting has been scheduled for 10.30am, Thursday, 11 August 2016 at 158 Bradley St, Guyra.

Enquiries regarding this tender may be directed to the Project Officer Mr Ned Mozzell on 02 6770 7100.

Tenders quoting the reference number ARC16/0410 and addressed to the Interim General Manager, will be received up until closing time 2.30 pm, 30 August 2016.

The lowest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted.


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