
Major Properties Efficiency Project (MPEP) Sustainability Audits

Tender ID: 287158

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
25 October 2016
Awarded Date:
31 January 2020

Tender Description

The Council of the City of Sydney (the 'City') requests Tenders for the provision of energy and water audits and written reports to identify cost-effective opportunities to reduce energy and water use at selected Council properties. There are a total of thirteen (13) sites within the scope of work for this project (see below Part 4 Scope of Works).

The energy audits must conform to Type 2 energy audits as detailed in AS/NZ 3598.1:2014 Energy Audits Part 1: Commercial buildings. The water audits must be undertaken to a similar level of detail to the energy audits. The energy and water audits should identify opportunities which meet the City's financial hurdle rates and payback thresholds (see below Part 5 Deliverables - Table 2).

Submissions can also be placed in a sealed envelope and endorsed with the tender title, number, and closing date, and placed in the Tender Box located Town Hall House, Level 1, 456 Kent Street Sydney 2000 by the nominated time and date.

CLOSING DATE AND TIME: Tenders close at 11.00 am AEST on 25 October 2016 and submissions must be fully received by this time.


New South Wales   :   Sydney  

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