
Fine Art Shipping Services-Domestic

Tender ID: 287990

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
13 October 2016
Closing Date:
2 November 2016

Tender Description

The National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) invites you to submit a tender for the provision of Fine Art Shipping Services-Domestic in accordance with the attached tender documents.

“Tender documents can be downloaded from the following site, please note, by registering the details of your company to access the documents relating to this tender, the company agrees to treat all information contained within as Commercial-In Confidence”.

Tender documents can be downloaded from

If you are logged into National Gallery Of Victoria's tender portal and are viewing this tender please click on the Blue "download documents" tab running across your screen.

If you require any assistance please contact customer support on 1800 233 996.


Victoria   :   Melbourne  

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