AFL Multifunctional Print Device Services
Tender ID: 291100
Tender Details
Tender Description
The AFL conducts Australian Football competitions and associated events throughout Australia and overseas generating substantial public following and goodwill.
The AFL has a fleet of approximately one hundred and eight (108) multi-function devices, which provide printing, copying, scanning and faxing capabilities.
The AFL’s fleet services approximately nine hundred (900) workstations across forty five (45) sites, with the majority of users and print devices situated at AFL House (Docklands Victoria) with 5 secondary sites (AFL Victoria, AFL NSW/ACT , AFL QLD, AFL Northern Territory, AFL Tasmania) plus remote sites.
The purpose of this document is to define specific requirements of the AFL to service its various operational needs for the Services and to elicit submissions to the scope.
Accordingly, the AFL invites for consideration to suitable entities capable of providing multifunctional devices that can perform the service requirements, to submit a proposal.