Pedestrian Safety Improvement in South Terrace at Intersections East and West Terraces- Bankstown
Tender ID: 301033
Tender Details
Tender Description
Council is seeking tenders from suitably qualified and experienced Tenderers for T45-17 South, East and West Terrace, Bankstown for the upgrading of pavement and reconfiguration of pedestrian safety systems within the area.
A full description of the nature and extent of the services required by Council are set out in Section 3 of this document. The work site is along South, East and West Terraces, Bankstown. UBD map reference for the site is 272 B1.
The proposed works generally involve the reconstruction of the existing pavement, re-alignment of sections of kerb and gutter, construction of footpath, Asphalt speed cushions, traffic islands, kerb ramps and construction of type (1) and (4) footpaving. Works also include linemarking, sign posting as well as landscaping.
The site is located in a commercial area and the work involves closure of lanes whilst undertaking works. Road Occupancy Licence is required from Roads and Maritime Services RMS (former RTA) prior to start of works.
Due to large volume of traffic throughout the day, RMS is likely to restrict the hours of works during the day and night. Timing of the ROL overrides the normal working hours.
Night work may be permissible provided that jack hammering and other high noise generating works are not performed during late hours of the night. Full road closure is not permitted unless otherwise directed by the Superintendent.
Tenderers while submitting their tenders must make an emphasis on their construction program and work methodology and clearly identify the methodology to perform the work in restricted hours so that there is lesser impact on the traffic flow and surrounding commercial/residential premises as well as noise level is kept to a minimum.
Tenderers must comply with the following milestones:
(1) The commencement date for the works is on or before 18/04/2017.
(2) The practical completion date for the works is 19/06/2017.
Civil Construction Services : Footpath & Cycleway Construction & Maintenance : Kerb & Channel Construction : Line & Pavement Marking : Road & Streetscape Construction & Maintenance
Signage : Signage
Fire & Safety : Road Safety Products