
Review the Alignment and Transition Arrangements between Adolescent and Adult Mental Health Services

Tender ID: 303210

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
16 February 2017
Closing Date:
3 March 2017

Tender Description

The Queensland Government established a Commission of Inquiry into the closure of the Barrett Adolescent Centre on 16 July 2015. The Commissioner’s final Report was provided to the Premier on 24 June 2016. The Report made six recommendations which were all accepted in principle as part of the Government response.

Queensland Health as represented by Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Branch intends to release a Request for Offer in February 2017 seeking proposals from suitably qualified consultants to review the alignment and transition arrangements between adolescent and adult public mental health services in Queensland as relating to the implementation of Recommendation 5 of the Government response to the Report, which states that:
* The Queensland Government will engage an independent reviewer to review the alignment and transition arrangements between adolescent and adult mental health services.
* The Premier will provide the findings and recommendations to COAG (Council of Australian Governments) for consideration.

For detailed information on the specific goods / services sought under this tender, please review the "Specification Documents" in "Section 3 - Here is the detail".

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