
ICT Managed Services RFI

Tender ID: 307340

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
5 January 2018
Closing Date:
25 April 2017

Tender Description

Request for Information
The purpose of this RFI is to allow the ATSB to gather, review and analyse vendor’s proposed solutions in response to the ATSB’s ICT Service Delivery requirements. Outcomes of the review will form the basis of an internal ICT Services Delivery Business Case seeking the ATSB Executive’s approval to approach the market to procure the preferred option(s).

The ATSB is advertising this RFI as an open market approach to allow effective scoping of the market. Should this initial market approach (procurement) progress to the next stage, we will establish a shortlist of suitable vendors from responses to this RFI and advertise a Pre-qualified Tender in accordance with the Commonwealth Procurement Rules “Procurement Method 2”.

The ATSB is undertaking this exercise to identify innovative yet mature cloud based solutions that represent value for money options and establish a solutions list for consideration. The ATSB will be placing a high level of emphasis on the RFI phase of this procurement for the identification of value proposition vendors and solutions.

The Opportunity
Vendors are asked to submit a detailedservices proposal, outlining the products, services and configurations that are proposed by the respondent to meet the ATSB’s ICT Service Delivery requirements as defined within Annexure A - ICT Services and Business Needs of the attached RFI documentation.

The proposal may detail how respondents would address one or more of the ATSB’s needs for:
* Infrastructure Services - Certified Cloud Services Infrastructure (IaaS, PaaS and SaaS) and Data Storage
* Secure Gateway and Communications - Certified Secure Gateway services protecting internal WAN, LAN and WLAN services + FedLink
* End User Computing - End User equipment and environments, service management, Remote Access, File and Print
* Managed Services - ITIL managed services, Service Desk and compliant support services
* Information/ICT Security -Information and ICT security management integrated as a service which is PSPF compliant
* Corporate and Business Applications - Provision, Project Support, Service management
* Transition In - ATSB Discovery, Transition in Approach and implementation, Disengagement arrangements
* Performance Management - Relationship management, reporting, contract management

Detailed rates and prices for the provision and performance of service delivery including transition, support and maintenance of the ICT service(s).

The ATSB understand that not all respondents will be able to provide all services, and as such ask respondents to address only those areas for which they have a demonstrated service offering.

Following receipt and evaluation of information/proposals, selected vendors may be requested to provide or demonstrations their product offerings to clarify or support the claims made within their RFI.

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