RFT Additional Capability and Hosted Services
Tender ID: 308797
Tender Details
Tender Description
icare’s 2020 vision will require new capabilities and ways of working. As icare moves towards a new operating model it expects that the demand for a temporary and fixed term workforce will rise and the capabilities it will need will broaden.
icare also needs a more efficient way of forecasting, sourcing and managing the temporary and fixed term workforce. As a result, icare had decided to implement an Additional Capability and Hosted Services Model that will include a temporary and fixed term workforce managed service, governance and relationship management services, in addition to enabling tools such as a Vendor Management System (VMS). Temporary and fixed term workforce services will include:
* Forecasting/Requisition - support services for planning, designing and scoping workforce needs.
* Sourcing and Selection - services related to the identification, assessment and selection of candidates, in addition to subsequent management of offer and employment processes.
* Service Management - services for the management of the additional temporary and fixed term workforce throughout the workforce lifecycle, which ideally includes the provision of associated end user computing and facilities.