Expressions of Interest - Sandy Ridge
Tender ID: 312772
Tender Details
Tender Description
Tellus Holdings Ltd (Tellus) is planning to construct and operate the proposed dual revenue Sandy Ridge Facility (the Facility). The Facility would involve:
* Mining, processing and exporting of kaolin clay
* Long term safe storage, recovery or permanent isolation of hazardous and intractable chemical wastes and low level radioactive wastes, such as smoke alarms and fire alarms, into the stable void spaces created by the mining.
The Facility would become an arid near surface geological repository.
It would use a combination of (natural) geological and engineered barriers. These barriers would help to store and/or permanently isolate wastes from the environment over geological time.
If approved by the Western Australian and Federal Governments, the Facility would be located approximately 75km north east of Koolyanobbing, in remote Western Australia. The nearest permanent residents are located at the Carina Iron Ore Mine Accommodation Village, approximately 52km to the South.
The location was specifically chosen because of key environmental characteristics. Together, they make it ideal for use as a geological repository.
The Facility would be located on Crown land. The land is not regarded as having any current or future value for mining (of minerals other than Kaolin) agricultural or cultural purposes.