
Expressions of Interest for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Solutions

Tender ID: 317007

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
14 June 2017
Closing Date:
21 June 2017

Tender Description

The Alliance Group has begun a major business transformation project that includes replacing our legacy 1980's computer system with a modern system that will support our goal of creating a stronger co-operative for our farmer shareholders and staff. The Alliance Group is conducting a market scan to identify Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions that are process manufacturing focussed with integrated procurement and disassembly functionality.

If you are interested in expressing your interest in this initiative and have the demonstrated experience in providing ERP application software to a complex heavy industrial business across multiple sites and countries please provide a response to the following questions:

1) Detail in which geographic areas your company operates/supports; please specify whether this is directly or through agencies / contractors.
2) Please describe your total product / service range.
3) Please outline any other areas in which you could assist Alliance Group in addition to ERP application software.
4) Please give two examples where you have provided a full ERP solution to a large industrial multi-site business, detailing:
* Name of customer / locations
* Software provided
* Functional areas covered by the software, e.g. Accounts Payable, Payroll, Materials Resource Planning, Export Shipping and Logistics
5) What knowledge and experience do you have in the red meat, fish, vegetable, food industries etc.
6) Have your service staff worked within the meat industry or do they have experience working closely with the industry.
7) Where are your development centres and head office located.
8) Do you have a company web page? If so please provide details.

Any questions and response to the above questions should be forwarded to by 1.00pm Wednesday 21st June 2017.

Andrew Melville
Group Procurement Manager
Alliance Group Limited
P.O.Box 845
Invercargill, 9840
Mobile: 027-214-5290


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