Electrical Services
Tender ID: 318302
Tender Details
Tender Description
The preventative services will include:
* Emergency lighting tests - 6 monthly
* Exit lights - 6 monthly
* Security lighting - 6 monthly
* Test and tagging (all areas, all equipment including lead replacement) - 3 monthly
* Theatre lighting backup - 6 monthly
* Non - “body protected” area safety switch testing (load bank testing) - 12 monthly
* Check UV lamps - 3 monthly
* Replacement UV lamps - 12 monthly
* Phone and internet connection - as required
Cost Per Hour $
Indicative Number of Hours of Preventative Maintenance $
Reactive maintenance services will include:
* Ablity to be onsite within:
* 1-2 hours for urgent high priority services (Essenital service breakdown ie: equipment /lighting failure)
* Within the day for medium priority services (light fitting failure)
* Within 5 working days for low priority services (identified non urgent works)
If the cost of reactive maintenance is above $1000.00 then a written quote must be provided prior to works commencing.
Cost Per Hour for Reactive Maintenance $
Cost Per out of Hours Call for Reactive Electrical Services Maintenance $