Family Care Support Services
Tender ID: 322188
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Children and Community Services Ministerial Body, through the Department of Communities (the State Party, also referred to as the Department) is seeking responses from suitable Respondents for the provision of Family Care Support Services (the Services). The Services are aimed at supporting family carers to maintain existing family care arrangements by providing flexible, in home practical support. The Service Provider will deliver an intensive, in home, culturally secure and responsive, trauma informed, attachment focussed service that will support and sustain family care arrangements by improving carer wellbeing and building their capacity to safely care for children. This includes supporting the child or young person to remain connected to family, country and community.
The Service Provider will work intensively with the carer family (the family), to address the areas of need and specific goals identified in the referral. Services will be provided primarily in the family home and the carer’s community. The Service Provider, in collaboration with the family and the child or young person will develop and implement strategies to support the safety and wellbeing of the child or young person with a view to stabilising and maintaining the care arrangement. Specific goals relating to improving or gaining new parenting routines and practical life-skills will be developed with the family to improve stability and the safety of the child or young person. Families will be encouraged and supported to build on their strengths to increase their ability to provide safe, stable, secure and nurturing care arrangements.
The Department and Service Provider will prioritise Aboriginal children and young people in family care arrangements and their family carers.
Consistent with the Delivering Community Services in Partnership Policy, July 2011 the Department intends to engage with the not-for-profit community service sector and Local Government Authorities for the provision of this service.
Two non-mandatory briefings to Respondents will be conducted at/on:
Perth Metropolitan Area
Date: Tuesday 1 August 2017
Time: 11.00am – 12.30pm
Location: Child Protection and Family Support, Department of Communities
Theatrette, Ground Floor
189 Royal Street, East Perth WA 6004
Regional Area via Video Conference
Date: Thursday 3 August 2017
Time: 2.30pm - 4.00pm
Location: Video conference - the closest video conference location will be provided on RSVP.
Please confirm your organisation’s attendance by no later than 4.00pm on Thursday 27 July 2017 by contacting:
Amanda McCurry, A/Principal Policy and Project Officer
Telephone: (08) 9222 2927