Aboriginal In-home Support Service
Tender ID: 322189
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Children and Community Services Ministerial Body through the Department of Communities (the State Party also referred to as the Department) is seeking responses from suitable Respondents for the provision of Aboriginal In-home Support Services (the Service) in the Perth metropolitan area. Aboriginal In-home Support Services will provide intensive in-home practical support to Aboriginal families to address safety issues, strengthen family functioning and parenting skills and create possibilities for significant change within high-risk families.
The Service will work with families that are open cases to the Department to support reunification. The Service will also work with families to support them to keep their children safely at home. These families will also be open to the Department. The Service will provide a case management model that is trauma informed and attachment focused. The Service environment will recognise the impact of multiple traumas on the child or young person’s development and behaviours, and the critical importance of safety and quality in relationships. Physical and psychological safety, self-regulation skills and strengths-based development of the child or young person are a focus across all activities.
This is a restricted tender with respondents required to be registered on the Aboriginal Business Directory WA.
Consistent with the Delivering Community Services in Partnership Policy, July 2011 the Department intends to engage with the not-for-profit community service sector and Local Government Authorities for the provision of these services.
A non-mandatory briefing to Respondents will be conducted at/on:
Date: Monday, 31 July 2017
Time: 1:00pm - 2:30pm
Location: Department of Communities, Child Protection and Family Support
Theatrette, Ground Floor
189 Royal St, East Perth
Please confirm your organisation’s attendance by no later than 4:00pm on 27 July 2017 by contacting:
Marcus Horwood, Principal Policy and Project Officer
E-mail: marcus.horwood@communities.wa.gov.au.
Telephone: (08) 9222 2786