Supply of Consultancy Services Greater Hobart Region Catholic Education Review
Tender ID: 323674
Tender Details
Tender Description
A key aspect of the Government’s agenda has been the review of the 20-year-old Education Act, in which the Tasmanian State Government has legislated (as of 10 July 2017) to extend Tasmania’s compulsory years of education and/or training. Under proposed changes the minimum age for students commencing prep from 2020 and beyond will be reduced by six months to four years and six months, and the leaving requirements for students commencing high school from 2016 will be extended to completion of Year 12, study in a Certificate III, or when the student turns 18 years of age.
The impact of these leaving requirements will dictate additional Year 11 and 12 opportunities needed to be provided for students, as well as to make provision for availability of additional Certificate III program placements from 2020 at the latest.
Catholic Education Tasmania supported the changes to the State’s Education Act (2016) that plans to extend the compulsory years of education and training.
The Tasmanian Liberal Government also commissioned the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) to undertake an independent review of data, curriculum policy and provision (including vocational education and training), design and delivery from Years 9 to 12 including the three Tasmanian education sectors: the Tasmanian Catholic Education Office (TCEO), Independent Schools Tasmania (IST) and the Department of Education (DoE). A report was provided to the Minister for Education and Training in early 2017. The Tasmanian Labor Opposition’s policy is to not wind back Year 11 and 12 extension process.
The last significant change with respect to Catholic Education secondary school and curriculum structure occurred approximately 20 years ago. At that time Guilford Young College was established as a key provider of Year 11 and 12 education in the Catholic Education System in Southern Tasmania. In light of the legislative changes it is an appropriate time to review the opportunities it presents for Catholic Education in Tasmania. Indeed a review is essential given the changes being made to the Education Act, in particular the requirement that Tasmanian youth continue in some form of education/training until aged 18.
In addition there has been significant public and media commentary around the provision of Catholic education in the Hobart region, Years 11 and 12 data, and possible solutions to Tasmania’s low rates of retention and attainment to the end of Year 12.
The closing date and time for lodgement of a Quotation is by 2 pm on Friday, 15 September 2017 Tasmanian time. The TCEO may extend the closing date and time.