Insights Driven Regulator - Strategy and Business Case
Tender ID: 338740
Tender Details
Tender Description
QBCC’s vision is to be a regulator that builds trust and confidence in all that we do. The organisation’s core strategic objective is “To promote integrity and probity in the building and construction sector”.
Through recent significant legislative reform the QBCC was given extended powers to enhance the integrity and probity of the building and construction industry. Consequently, this reform will rely heavily on data intelligence and analytics. A critical dependency to achieve the Government’s expectations for implementation of the new laws is the ability to be an “insights driven regulator”.
A recent audit revealed that QBCC has significant work ahead to improve its maturity and capabilities in terms of data infrastructure, analytics and governance. Furthermore, QBCC’s current practices rely heavily on costly and labour intensive manual procedures to undertake regulatory activities which are reactive and do not take a strategic approach to addressing sectorial risks.
In order to meet the community’s expectations and the Queensland Government’s requirements to preserve the integrity and probity of the building and construction sector, there is a need for the QBCC to be “ahead of the disruption curve” as much as possible, which can only be achieved if it is a regulator that is informed through relevant intelligence and insights.
A journey such as the one QBCC is embarking on is a significant step for the organisation and will require substantial culture change. It is envisaged that engaging an external partner will maximise the likelihood of delivering an optimal outcome, including knowledge transfer and upskilling to transition to a contemporary ‘insights driven’ operating model.
QBCC is seeking a partner with demonstrated expertise and capacity to:
* Scope and design a fit-for-QBCC insights operating model supported by delivery of a long term Roadmap and Strategy to become a more proactive regulator that relies on intelligence and insights,
* Develop a robust and defensible Treasury level Business Case that details the anticipated benefits (financial and non-financial), risks and level of investment required to achieve the successful implementation of the Roadmap/Strategy, and
* Deliver at least three (3) “proof of concepts” that deliver tangible value and benefits that could be leveraged for further investment to implement the insights driven operating model. The QBCC will work with the preferred supplier to identify the ‘proof of concept’ areas. However, suppliers are welcome to provide points of view on areas as part of the process.
For detailed information on the specific goods / services sought under this tender, please review the "Specification Documents" in "Section 3 - Here is the detail".