
NGV Catering Services

Tender ID: 345104

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
1 February 2018
Closing Date:
28 February 2018

Tender Description

The National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) invites you to submit a tender for the provision of Catering Services in accordance with the supplied documents.

Your submission of a tender will be a representation that you have submitted a bona fide tender and have not divulged your tender price or prices to any person or body before the closing time for the submission of the tender.

Please refer to the following documents:-
* Letter from the NGV Director
* NGV Deed of Confidentiality

Please note that the tender documentation contains confidential information. To access the tender documentation, please download, sign and return a scanned copy of the NGV Deed of Confidentiality to Once this has been received, an email will be sent to you with the tender documentation attached.

Tender submissions are to be submitted by hand to National Gallery of Victoria Tender Box located at the Security and Goods Entrance, Sturt Street by 2pm Wednesday 28 February 2018.

Tender Briefing and Site Inspection
A tender briefing and site inspection will be held at 8.30am on Wednesday 7 February 2018, commencing at The Ian Potter Centre, NGV Australia in Federation Square, Melbourne. It is highly recommended that all tenderer's attend. A maximum of three (3) persons from your organization may attend. Pre-registration is required via email by COB Monday 5 February 2018.

All tender inquiries to be directed by email to:-

Note: Tenderers are reminded that any inquiries regarding NGV Tender Catering Services 18-001 are to be sent to Please do not contact individual NGV staff.

If you require any assistance please contact customer support on 1800 233 996.


Victoria   :   Melbourne  

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