Mapoon Commercial Fishing License (MCFL18)
Tender ID: 346426
Tender Details
Tender Description
Mapoon Aboriginal Shire Council (“Council”) invites expressions of interest (“EOIs”) from appropriately qualified persons for a Sublicense of a commercial fishing boat licence held by the Chief Executive Officer of Mapoon Aboriginal Shire Council, being Licence No. 4525 (“Fishing Licence”).
EOIs will be assessed on the basis of the Licence Fee offered and the benefits offered to the community by each Respondent.
For further information regarding this EOI, please contact Council’s Chief Executive Officer on (07) 4082 5200 or, or refer to the Council’s website for the EOI Documentation.
To be considered, EOIs must be submitted by 4.30pm on Monday 5th March 2018. EOIs submitted after this time will not be considered.
EOIs are to be lodged by hand to Council’s Chambers at Red Beach Road, Mapoon Qld 4874, by post to PO Box 213, Weipa Qld 4874 or by email to, and marked “EOI MCFL-001/2018 - Fishing Licence”.