
Standing Offer Arrangement for the Provision of Master Media Advertising Placement Services

Tender ID: 356436

Tender Details

Tender #:
Closing Date:
22 June 2018
Awarded Date:
01 March 2019

Tender Description

The Department of the Premier and Cabinet (DPC) is the lead agency for the management of master media advertising services for the Queensland Government. There are currently separate arrangements for campaign and non-campaign advertising.  The objective of the Invitation to Offer (ITO) is to establish a singular Standing Offer Arrangement (SOA) for the provision of both campaign and non-campaign master media advertising placement services.

DPC is seeking a suitably experienced media agency to provide quality and cost-effective placement, planning and media strategy services to customers accessing the arrangement. Additional details are provided in the ITO and attachments in section three "here is the detail".  All questions relating to the ITO must be directed to the nominated contact person in writing.

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