Department of Finance, Services and Innovation / GRN Construct, Operate and Maintain Services
Tender ID: 363614
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Scope of Work for this Request for Information (RFI) has two (2) primary components:
Operate and maintain services; and Construction services.
Construction services are required for the radio and infrastructure builds of approximately 250 sites in GMA and upgrades in existing GRN and some regional priority Sites in Rest of State (excluding Western, North Coast and Pilot regions). This includes on-site construction based on available State-wide detailed designs, with pre-purchased equipment integration (through the FIM process), site installation, documentation, testing and commissioning services as well as network integration.
This Request for Information (RFI) has been issued to seek information from potential suppliers to achieve the following outcomes:
- complete a market sounding for a potential closed RFT process;
- obtain market feedback on mature and innovative operate and maintain models that meet the Authority's, Client's and End User requirements;
- identify and obtain indicative cost increases for items not typically included in base operating model services;
- obtain indicative cost benefits for bundling the next phase of the construction component of the CCEP and the O&M Services;
- validate a high-level approach and confirm timing for transition to desired future state;
- provide the market with an overview of the O&M Services and requirements in preparation of a closed RFT if the Authority decides to proceed on that basis; and
- provide a basis for a future closed RFT if the Authority decides to proceed on that basis.