
Bulk Earthworks Construction of Grow Out (Produce) Ponds at Legune

Tender ID: 364105

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
21 August 2018
Closing Date:
21 September 2018

Tender Description

The proposed Project Sea Dragon (Stage 1) black tiger prawn grow out facility is located at Legune, Northern Territory, approximately 100km north east of Kununurra. PSD is a large-scale, integrated, land-based prawn aquaculture project that will deliver high-quality, year-round reliable volumes for export markets. PSD will be a staged development of ultimately up to 10,000 hectares of produce ponds. This stage is 400 hectares of produce ponds.

This package is for the provision of services to create 40 x 10 hectare prawn production ponds at Legune, with associated supply channels and drains.
* Survey, clear and grub, grade site and store top soil
* Cut 500mm maximum depth through black soil and use material to construct pond embankments approximately 2.2metres high with 5 meter wide trafficable bank top. Estimated total cut volume of 1.6 million cubic metres - cut material generally within 500 meter radius of embankment.
* Compact fill and final trim embankments.
* Sheet embankment tops with 200mm of free issue shale to be trucked from quarry approximately 35km from site
* Sheet embankments slopes with top soil

Contractors shall supply their own labour, equipment, consumables, and facilities for staff.

In accordance with the Seafarms commitments to building local and Indigenous capacity in the region, the tender evaluation will include a weighting for utilising local regional businesses in the Northern Territory/Kimberley region.


Western Australia   :   Gascoyne   :   Goldfields/Esperance   :   Great Southern   :   Kimberley   :   Mid West   :   Peel   :   Perth Metropolitan   :   Pilbara   :   South West   :   Wheatbelt  
Northern Territory   :   Big Rivers   :   Central Australia   :   East Arnhem   :   Greater Darwin  

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