
Mail Delivery Contract

Tender ID: 366338

Tender Details

Tender #:
805106 (2035)  
Publish Date:
12 September 2018
Closing Date:
24 September 2018

Tender Description

Mail Delivery Contract Australia Post is seeking tenders from companies, or persons willing to form companies, to deliver mail under contract arrangements in the Delivery Area listed below. Australia Post has a commitment to providing a consistent and personal service to its customers. Therefore, as far as practicable the successful tenderer should be able to supply the same personnel to deliver the articles each day in the Delivery Area. The successful tenderer will have sufficient time to make arrangements to comply with the conditions of the contract, including the procurement of a suitable vehicle.

Training will initially be provided to the successful tenderer, who is then required to train its own personnel. All genuine tenders and enquiries are welcome. However, Australia Post is not obliged to accept the lowest or indeed any tender, and reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders if it considers that it is in the interests of Australia Post to do so.

Invitations to Tender for Mail Delivery Service Tenders are invited for the delivery of mail from 22 October 2018 for the following area: 805106 (2035) Roma DA – Roma Parcel Delivery Service, five times weekly. For tender forms, full details and further information, contact: The Manager, Mail Contract Services Tenders must be submitted to Mail Contract Services, GPO Box 6100, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by email at by the closing time and date. Tenders Will Close at 10am On Monday 24 September 2018


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