
Office Refurbishment - Partial Refurbishment of Legal Aid Queensland Brisbane Premises

Tender ID: 366807

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
18 September 2018
Closing Date:
12 October 2018

Tender Description

Legal Aid Queensland is seeking Proposals for Partial Refurbishment of Level 4, 44 Herschel Street, Brisbane premises.

Legal Aid Qld wants to refurbish level 4 of the head office building in Brisbane. The approximate area is 1,000m2. The scope is fully detailed in the tender documents, but generally it is a full refurbishment of the floor.

It does not include supply of work stations, loose furniture and storage this will be a seperate preselect tender.

For detailed information on the specific goods / services sought under this tender, please review the "Specification Documents" in "Section 3 - Here is the detail".


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