
Registration of Interest to Tender - Mackillop Catholic College, Mount Peter - Stage 3 Civil Works Package

Tender ID: 367615

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
27 September 2018
Closing Date:
3 October 2018

Tender Description

Diocesan Project Services, on behalf of MacKillop Catholic College, invites appropriately experienced Civil Contractors to submit their registration of interest to tender on the MacKillop Catholic College Early Works Civil package.

The project consists of the construction of a new 100 car and bus car park, associated internal road network and preparation of 5 building pads. Construction is planned to commence November 2018.

Registrations should include the QBCC licence details, portfolio of recent projects, CV’s of key personnel and confirmation of third party certification in OH&S AS/NZS 4801, Environmental ISO 1401, QA ISO 9001.

Registrations are to be submitted no later than Wednesday 03 October 2018, to


New South Wales   :   Sydney  

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