
Provision of Support Services Through the National Australian Apprenticeship Support Network

Tender ID: 367848

Tender Details

Tender #:
RFT PRN EDU18683  
Publish Date:
1 October 2018
Closing Date:
9 November 2018

Tender Description

The Department of Education and Training is seeking providers to deliver a suite of services through the Australian Apprenticeship Support Network, to deliver Australian Apprenticeship Support Services at no cost to employers and individuals from pre-commencement through to completion of an apprenticeship.

The key goal of the program is to make it easier for employers to recruit, train and retain Australian Apprentices and to support Australian Apprentices through to completion by:
* simplifying and improving user access and engagement with the Australian Apprenticeships system by establishing providers as hubs for the delivery of quality end-to-end advice and support services for Australian Apprentices and their employers;
* improving Australian Apprenticeship retention, completion rates and satisfaction through the provision of targeted support to Australian Apprentices and employers prior to commencement and while in-training;
* providing services to assist individuals to find the right Vocational Education and Training (VET) pathway or employment pathway for them; and
* minimising the administrative burden on employers and Australian Apprentices.

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