
Clean TeQ Sunrise Local Area Opportunities - 1703 - Vegetation Clearing

Tender ID: 375006

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
2 March 2019
Closing Date:
18 March 2019

Tender Description

The Works consist of clearing all vegetation, both living and dead, all minor man-made structures (such as fences), all rubbish and other materials as directed.

* Works include grubbing of trees and stumps from areas as defined in Map – Appendix A. Works to be staged progressively during 2019, 2020 and 2021 periods.
* In advance of, or in conjunction with clearing and grubbing operations, install effective erosion and sediment control measures in accordance with NSW Blue Book – Soils and Construction: Managing Urban Stormwater 2004.
* Clearing limits defined by Map – Appendix A. Survey to be undertaken and clearing limits to be marked by pegs at 25m intervals around area to be cleared.
* Clearing operations within designated areas to include habitat trees and non habitat trees. Habitat trees will be marked up by Clean TeQ prior to clearing operations and must be cleared in accordance with Clean TeQ’s Vegetation Clearance Protocol – Appendix B. Non habitat trees (generally below 40 DBH) to be cleared prior to habitat trees within each clearing area as per Vegetation Clearance Protocol.
Clearing of habitat trees will require suitably qualified fauna handler/s to remove native fauna as required by EIS/development conditions of consent. See Vegetation Clearance Protocol – Appendix B for details.
* Exclusion areas will be clearly marked out by Clean TeQ prior to clearing operations and trees must not cleared within these areas. Contractor must plan works to ensure that there is no damage to any trees outside clearing limits and prevent timber falling onto nearby private property.
* All trees and stumps, on or within limits of clearing , unable to be felled and removed by the clearing methods used by Contractor shall be removed by grubbing.
* Grubbing operations shall be carried out to a depth of 0.5m below the natural surface or 1.5m below finished surface level, whichever is lower.
* Holes remaining after tress and stumps have been grubbed shall be backfilled promptly with similar material to existing to prevent infiltration and ponding of water. The backfilling material shall be compacted to at least relative density of the material existing in the adjacent ground.
* Contractor to provide pricing for the following options in regards to removal and/ stockpiling of cleared vegetation:-

1. Stockpiling of vegetation into designated areas as directed by Clean TeQ
2. Mulching to produce wood-chip derived from crowns of trees and branches of shrubs. Remaining logs to be stockpiled in designated areas. Mulch material to be placed upon disturbed areas as part of Erosion and Sediment Control measures for clearing works.
a. Note: The wood-chip mulch shall be produced from branches having a maximum diameter of 100 millimetres and the chipping material produced shall not have two orthogonal dimensions exceeding 75mm and 50mm.


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