Proposal to Upgrade a Mobile Phone Base Stationat Lot 15/DP754284
Tender ID: 377560
Tender Details
Tender Description
Telstra plans to install a telecommunications facility at the above address.
The proposed facility involves the installation of:
* 40.0m monopole tower plus headframe;
* Six (6) panel antennas with related RRU’s and TMA’s;
* Equipment shelter with a base area of no more than 7.5m²;
* Electrical equipment to be contained within the existing Telstra equipment shelter; associated cabling and ancillary equipment.
The proposal will also require the removal of the existing 22m Telstra guyedmast.
Telstra regards the proposed installation as Exempt and Complying Development in accordance with the Infrastructure State Environmental Planning Policy 2007 (As amended) based on the description above.
Further information including an EME Report can be obtained from: The proposed infrastructure will be in compliance with the ACMA EMR regulatory arrangements.
Written submissions should be sent to: Daniel Park by 27 February 2019.
Further information can be obtained from: Visionstream Pty Ltd, Level 1, 10 Browning Street, West End QLD 4101, by phone on 1300 745 210, or by email at at