The Trends, Barriers and Opportunities of Australia's Higher Education Delivery Offshore
Tender ID: 382348
Tender Details
Tender Description
Australian higher education providers are active in delivering education offshore, whether through offshore campuses, offshore partnerships and programs or through distance (mainly online) education, with almost 120,000 international students studying transnational higher education with an Australian provider in 2017, up 6 per cent on 2016. Some of these students come to Australia to complete their qualifications, while others complete their entire studies offshore.
This project will:
* Assess the scale and scope of offshore and online higher education opportunities
* Advance existing research on this topic
* Provide a comparative assessment of the current performance of Australia and key TNE competitors
* Identify barriers for Australia to growing TNE and recommend possible solutions
* Identify key markets with growth potential for offshore and online delivery
* Identify commercially successful business models (including pricing strategies) for offshore and online delivery
* Identify successful examples of TNE partnerships and consortia approaches, including with education technology companies
* Provide tangible actions for Australian higher education providers seeking to expand into offshore and online delivery
Provide suggestions on how Australian TNE activity can be reported, tracked and measured.