
VET Strategic Messaging Framework

Tender ID: 382467

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
8 April 2019
Closing Date:
31 May 2019

Tender Description

Australia’s VET system is highly regarded internationally for its flexibility, strong linkages with industry and robust quality assurance frameworks. This competitive edge promotes and positions Australia’s VET system as a leading model for meeting the global demand for quality skills training.

To maximise Australia’s reputation for quality VET, and to identify new opportunities for growth, it is vital that Australia’s VET system has a strong brand position. This will be achieve through a strategic, consistent approach to promotion and messaging of Australia’s VET system and its international offerings.

The project will develop a VET international strategic messaging framework that will encompass key messages and showcase the quality of the Australian VET system and its offerings through a suite of resources, which could include data points, infographics, short videos and social media campaigns.

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