
Navantia Australia Pty Ltd - Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment Supplier, Capability & Innovation Portal - AOR Industry Partner Request for Tender

Tender ID: 387114

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
31 May 2019
Closing Date:
5 July 2019

Tender Description

Navantia has been contracted by the Commonwealth of Australia to fully Support the newly built Supply Class Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment (AOR) Capability for a period of five (5) years commencing 20 June 2020.

Navantia will create an Enterprise arrangement with an Industry Partner and other supporting agencies to enhance the Australian and maritime industries in support of the AOR Capability.

The draft Contract that forms the basis of this request for tender is for a variety of Maintenance, Supply and ancillary Support Services for the AOR Capability. This support is to be provided over a five (5) year period; commencing Jun 2020, and also includes an additional six (6) month Ramp Up period beginning in December 2019.

The Contract will cover the Maintenance Services for both ships, covering all External Maintenance Periods, Maintenance Windows of Opportunity, Dockings and other Maintenance Services provided from both Fleet Base East (Woolloomooloo, NSW) and Fleet Base West (Rockingham, WA). It will also include minor Supply Support Services for warehousing and logistics.

This RFT will be conducted in two stages. The first stage consists of scenario questions and an initial limited quote in order for Navantia to short list tenderers. This will be followed by a comprehensive RFT submission to select the preferred tenderers.

Interested parties will need to register their interest by emailing for a Non-Disclosure Agreement. Once this is executed, the tenderer will be emailed the RFT Pack for response.

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