Perioperative Mortality Review Committee Epidemiology Services - Request for Proposals
Tender ID: 400153
Tender Details
Tender Description
The services we are seeking will provide epidemiology support to produce the Perioperative Mortality Review Committee's (POMRC) next annual report.
The 9th POMRC report, for publication in 2020, will continue to prioritise a focus on the health inequities that exist for Māori, and other populations in perioperative mortality. The will require scoping analysis to look at the variation of outcomes between Māori and Pākehā (New Zealand European) and explore whether the data can be further investigated to inform the identified line of enquiry.
The secretariat team will liaise with the epidemiology service provider about which clinical areas/procedures and quality measures will best inform each report. It is likely that the POMRC will select quality measures around key interactions and intervention points along the patient journey. The POMRC will require epidemiology input to identify appropriate process and outcome measures.
There may be a Technical Advisory Group supporting a particular report development and writing, along with expert peer review and guidance from Ngā Pou Arawhenua (the Māori caucus of the Mortality Review Committees) as requir