
The Waterfront, Shell Cove Heavy Duty Platform & Travel Lift Runway

Tender ID: 404111

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
7 November 2019
Closing Date:
4 December 2019

Tender Description

Shellharbour City Council and Frasers Property Australia invites submissions for the provision of the Outer Harbour Foreshore Facilities. The work to be performed under this project is limited to the construction of the Heavy Duty Platform and Travel Lift Runway all in accordance with the documents issued with this tender.


  • Tender's can be submitted in electronic format through Council's e-tendering portal in PDF format or alternatively Microsoft WORD format.
  • Alternatively, Tender's can be submitted in hard copy in the Tender box located at Council's Administration Centre, Customer Service, 76 Cygnet Avenue, Shellharbour City Centre.

While discouraged, Council will accept Tender's submitted by facsimile to Councils Records and Document Management Department on 02 4221-6016, however, Council will not accept emailed tender submissions.

Ensure ALL files are uploaded to the Electronic Tenders Box PRIOR to the time and date .

PLEASE NOTE: The ETB closes automatically at this time - file transfers still in progress at the exact closing time WILL NOT be accepted and you will not receive an automatic "successful submission" notice.

DO NOT leave your submission to the last minute. As a guide you should begin your file transfer at least 1 hour prior to closing time. 


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