Structural Engineering Review
Tender ID: 404323
Tender Details
Tender Description
MFB is to release a selective Request for Tender for the Structural Engineering Review of the Eastern Hill Fire Station Rer Yard Slab. The selectve tenders will be sourced from the Construction Suppliers Register (CSR).
The release of this Request for Tender will be late November 2019 and the closing date will be early January 2020.
This will be a single phase tender and will include a pre-qualification process that will be outlined on the link belowm, when released. The pre-qualification requirements will be insurance cover for Publc Liability, Professional Indemnity, WorkCover, Conflict of Interest Declaration, Supplier Code of Conduct Commitment, Acknowledgement No-Anti Competitive Conduct and Current Company Extract from the ASIC web site.
Victorian Government guidelines in relation to the Social Procurement Framework will applt to this RFT.