Pavement Repairs and Overlays
Tender ID: 405715
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Shire of Goomalling invites tenders from experienced contractors to undertake cement stabilised pavement repairs and overlays for specific sections along the Goomalling-Calingiri Road, within the Shire of Goomalling.
Tender documents are available from Roadswest Engineering Group Pty Ltd. To request digital documents please email Telephone enquiries can be directed to David McKenna on (08) 9472 4122 or 0429 088 411.
Tenders will be assessed on Compliance criteria and Qualitative criteria contained within the tender documents.
Tender submissions must be in a sealed envelope clearly marked with the above tender number using the tender submission forms, not doing so may disqualify the tender. Tenders must be delivered to the Administration Offices located at 32 Quinlan Street Goomalling, or mailed to: Chief Executive Officer, Shire of Goomalling, PO Box 118, GOOMALLING WA 6460.