NCEA Online Research Opportunity
Tender ID: 408050
Tender Details
Tender Description
NZQA is working towards the long-term goal “Qualify for the Future World – Kia noho takatū ki tō āmua ao”. A part of this work is the development of NCEA Online. The purpose of the Research Proposal is to investigate areas of potential interest for future development under the NCEA Online Programme. Such research may result in a recommendation for a subsequent Innovation Trial. A Research Proposal report will provide a mechanism for the Programme Team to prioritise ideas for future Innovation Trials.
We are seeking a researcher to complete:
- Part 1: General literature review about summative assessment / assessment for issuing qualifications (credentialing), focussed on senior secondary school as a preference
- Part 2: Review of what is occurring in other jurisdictions* with regard to summative assessment for credentialing purposes
- Part 3: Informed by Parts 1 and 2 above, and the researchers’ other relevant education research experience, a discussion paper about the pros & cons (for the NZ context) of offering some externally assessed assessments (examinations or other forms) in mid-year rather than at year end, focussing on the digital mode.